My research activity is focused on the development of solutions involving Cryptography to solve real problems: here the main challenge is to provide efficient schemes even using formally provable approaches. Common topics are: Secure Multi-Party Computation, Homomorphic encryption/signature/MAC, searchable encryption, …
I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Catania. I spent several months as a visiting student at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, where my Ph.D. advisor Rosario Gennaro worked (now he is Full Professor at City University of New York – CUNY), and at the Department of Computer Science of Columbia University.
I belong to the local Crypto Group led by Dario Catalano.
Professional activities
- International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2025, SECRYPT 2024, SECRYPT 2023, SECRYPT 2022, SECRYPT 2021, SECRYPT 2020, SECRYPT 2019);
- Security Track at ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2024, SAC 2023);
- International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD 2025, LOD 2024, LOD 2023, LOD 2022, LOD 2021, LOD 2020);
- Multidisciplinary International Conference of Research Applied to Defense and Security (MICRADS 2018);
- 11th Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN 2018);
- ICARIS 2012;
- 14th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography (PKC 2011).
- RSA Conference – Cryptographers’ Track (CT-RSA 2020);
- 38th Annual IACR Crypto Conference (Crypto 2019);
- 25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2018);
- 21st International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography (PKC 2018);
- 10th Annual IACR Africacrypt Conference (Africacrypt 2017);
- 9th Annual IACR Africacrypt Conference (Africacrypt 2016);
- 35th Annual IACR Eurocrypt Conference (Eurocrypt 2016);
- 35th Annual IACR Crypto Conference (Crypto 2015);
- 13rd Applied Cryptography and Network Security Conference (ACNS 2015);
- 13rd International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2014);
- 33rd Annual IACR Eurocrypt Conference (Eurocrypt 2014);
- 8th Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN 2012);
- 15th International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography (PKC 2012);
- 5th International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec 2011);
- 16th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2011);
- 4th Annual IACR Africacrypt Conference (Africacrypt 2011);
- 13th International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography (PKC 2010);
- 29th Annual IACR Crypto Conference (Crypto 2009);
- 7th Applied Cryptography and Network Security Conference (ACNS 2009);
- 2th Annual IACR Africacrypt Conference (Africacrypt 2009);
- 6th Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN 2008);
- 28th Annual IACR Crypto Conference (Crypto 2008);
- 6th Applied Cryptography and Network Security Conference (ACNS 2008);
- 7th RSA Conference – Cryptographers’ Track (CT-RSA 2008);
- Western European Workshop on Research in Cryptology (WEWoRC 2007);
- 23rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2008) – Track on Computer Security;
- 26th Annual IACR Eurocrypt Conference (Eurocrypt 2007);
- 2nd Italian Workshop on Evolutionary Computation (GSICE 2006);
- 24th Annual IACR Crypto Conference (Crypto 2004);
- 22nd ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2003).
- Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (AIHC)
- IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)
- The Computer Journal
- Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
- Theory of Computing Systems;
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security;
- IET Information Security (IET-IS);
- International Journal of Computer Mathematics (IJCM);
- Journal of Zhejiang University Science (JZUS);
- Elsevier Science’s Journal of Systems and Software (JSS).